Creating a Routine Chart in Quarantine

The more children do for themselves, the more capable and encouraged they feel.  One of the best ways to help children feel empowered and involved is through routine charts.  Once the family has agreed on the routine chart, letting them follow their charts instead of telling them what to do, allows everyone to relax and take action.

Bless my 16-year-old son who acquiesced when I asked him to help me produce the photoshop document I was inspired to share below.  As he was working on it, he actually thought he was producing something that I would put into action in our own family.  When he got to the part about the 8:30pm bedtime, you can imagine his reaction as we have one 8th grader, one high schooler and one college student in the house now!

So use this template as a guideline and adjust, improve according to your own families’ values and interests.  We’ve already begun to retool in my own family and I hope the idea of a routine chart helps your families to cope, even thrive, during these uncertain times.  Remember, we often juggle so many demands during our normal days.  Take this opportunity to practice more self-care and connection within the family while staying at home for awhile.  

Daily Quarantine Schedule.jpeg
Katherine Llodra